Sabtu, 21 April 2018

Pengalaman pribadi berbahasa inggris/ Karya Tulis Berbahasa Inggris/ TOURISM ACTIVITIES AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO INCREASE THE SENSE OF LOVE THE HOMELAND



Compiled To Meet Indonesian Language Subject Tasks Semester 2
Lesson 2017/2018

Arranged by :
1.             REVA PUSPITA SARI                      VIII E
2.             ARIF KURNIAWAN                                    VIII E
3.             DEVI LOVITA YANTI                     VIII E
4.             HANAFI                                             VIII E
5.             ALFIATUN                                        VIII E

YEAR 2018


A report of the visit entitled " TOURISM ACTIVITIES AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO INCREASE THE SENSE OF LOVE THE HOMELAND"  This has been approved by the supervising teacher and authorized by the Head of SMP Negeri 2 Sumowono on :

Day                 :
Date                :

Approving                                                                          Agree
Head of SMP Negeri 2 Sumowono                                 Tutor 

Sri Utami, S.Pd                                                             Dra. Sri Ambarawati
NIP. 19730308 199903 2 004                                     NIP. 19641110 20003 2003


         Any work can be done easily when done without reluctance.
         Do not delay until what you can do today.
         Failure only occurs when we give up (Lessing)
         Modesty is a good safeguard for other ugliness. (Cherterfield)
         Whoever loses a smile, he or she is the pemenagnya (A. Hubard)
         Try not to get out of the way even for a second, because we will not be able to be restored in the first place.
         Man is not always true and not always wrong, except he who always corrects himself and justify the truth of others for the error of self.
         Knowledge is power.
         Do not dissolve in one grief because there is still a tomorrow that is facing with a million happiness.
         The back of the pisaupun when sharpened will become sharp.

  1. Ibu Sri Utami, S.Pd., as the principal of SMP Negeri 2 Sumowono who has given us permission
  2. Mrs. Dra. Sri Ambarawati, as a guidance counselor who has provided guidance and direction
  3. Father and mother who have given both moral and spiritual encouragement
  4. Friends of all who have given bantaun and encouragement
  5. All parties who have given motivation that can not mention one by one author

Title page................................................ ................................................................. ........ i
Supervisor Approval ................................................ ....................................................... ii
Moto ................................................. .................................................. ............................ iii
Offering ................................................. .................................................. ....................... iv
Table of contents................................................ .................................................. ............ v
Foreword................................................ ........................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I I NTRODUCTION.............................................. ......................................... 1
1.      Orientation REVA PUSPITA SARI ...................................................................... 1
2.      Orientation Puput Fitriyani  ................. ................................................................ 2
3.      Orientation Sahrul Mubarok .................... ............................................................ 2
4.      Orientation Doni Setiawan ................ .................................................................. 3
5.      Orientation surya Putra ............................ ............................................................ 4
CHAPTER II EVENTS ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1.      Istiqlal Mosque ...................................... ............................................................. 5
2.2.      Monas ....................................... .................................................. ....................... 6
2.3.      Museum of Crocodile Hole ..................................... ......................................... 9
2.4.      TMII .......................................................................................... ....................... 12
2.5.      Museum of Science and Technology ................................................................ 13
2.6.      Geological Museum ...................................... ................................................... 14
2.7.      Trans Studio Bandung ..................................... ................................................. 15
2.8.      Cibaduyut ....................................... .................................................................. 18
CHAPTER III CLOSING............................................... ................................................. 20
3.1.   Impression  ............................. .......................................................... ............ 20
Bibliography ................................................ ............................................................. .........


            With this the authors praise the presence of God Almighty, who has given His grace and guidance, so that the authors finally be able to complete the report of the visit activity TOURISM ACTIVITIES AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO INCREASE THE SENSE OF LOVE THE HOMELAND" this well.
            A report of a visit entitled TOURISM ACTIVITIES AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO INCREASE THE SENSE OF LOVE THE HOMELANDthe authors compiled to fulfill the task of Indonesian language semester 2 year lesson 2017/2018.
            The accomplishment and completion of this report, the authors get a lot of help, guidance, and direction from various parties. Therefore the authors would like to thank:
  1. Mrs. Sri Utami, S.Pd., as the headmaster of SMP Negeri 2 Sumowono which has given opportunity to the writer to follow the visit activity.
  2. Mrs. Dra. Sri Ambarawati, as a counselor teacher who has provided guidance and guidance with painstaking and patient guide, giving instructions to the author in collecting data or material preparation of this report.
  3. Father and mother A companion teacher who patiently guides and provides input and directs to the author in the preparation of reports
  4. All parties who have given motivation that can not mention one by one author
            The author realizes that this report is still many shortcomings and far from perfect because it is new in the learning stage. Therefore, the authors ask for input or suggestions that are constructive for the perfection and completeness of this report
                                                                                                Sumowono, January 2018



            We are students of SMPN 2 Sumowono class VIII who are in Candigaron and Kebon agung, conducting study tour and obliged to make a report of study tour writing during the implementation of study tor to Jakarta -Bandung. Our group consisting of 5 people are: Reva Puspita Sari, Devi Lovita Yanti, Alfiatun, Arif Kurniawan, and Hanafi.     Study tour is conducted in second semester of academic year 2017-2018, exactly on 16-19 January 2018. With the purpose of study tour is the city of Jakarta and Bandung, the locations visited include: Majid Istiqlal, National Monument (MONAS), Museum Lubang Buaya, TMII, Museum of Science and Technology, Museum of Geology, Trans Studio Bandung, and Cibaduyut Bandung.Study tour was conducted for increase knowledge and foster the love of the homeland, to be able to make observations directly with the object and as one of the requirements to meet the task of making English reports in groups.

1.                  REVA PUSPITA SARI

Students of SMP Negeri 2 Sumowono class VIII academic year 2017/2018 held a study tour with the aim of Jakarta-Bandung. On Tuesday, January 16-19, 2018, we conducted a work tour activity, which aimed to fulfill the task of group reporting.
On Tuesday January 16, 2018 at 13.30 pm I departed from home to Candigaron. after arriving at Candigaron all the students gathered at the school for the ceremony and debriefing the departure study tour.
We started the journey from Candigaron at around 15.00 Wib. we really enjoyed the trip. we felt comforted when the students there who contributed a voice to sing. After feeling sleepy I finally fell asleep and did not feel the trip had arrived in Jakarta and had arrived at Istiqlal Mosque at around 04.00 Wib. We went down to take a bath and cleaned up our bodies and got ready to perform our morning prayers, and continued with breakfast, and then we continued our journey to the National Monument (MONAS).
After arriving at MONAS we took pictures while waiting for MONAS to be opened, And once opened, we took the entrance ticket directly to the tunnel that directly penetrate into MONAS. On our way around MONAS we were guided by a guide to explain the history of the National Museum (MONAS). And we see the authentic Proclamation Text and the speech of the first president Ir Soekarno and the symbol of Bhineka Tunggal Ika. and unfortunately the trip stopped at the bowl of MONAS. Held MONAS we took pictures and saw the scenery. After that we continue the trip back to the Museum Pancasila Sakti.
Upon arriving at the Pancasila sakti Museum or the Lubang Buaya Museum we were guided by the museum tour guide, as explained we saw an old deadly well located in the village of Lubang Buaya, and proceeded to our massacre house walking 100 to see relief 9 army generals who were killed by The PKI, along with the top of the eagle whose wings stretched and in front there were 7 heroes of the revolution. After that we left the museum Pancasila magic to the bus and continue the trip back to TMII and Science and Technology.
After arriving at TMII and Science and Technology, we saw scientific props. And after satisfied to see the use of science and technology we continued to go to dinner while accompanied by music. And continue the trip to Hotel Serena for a break.
Arriving at the hotel we took the hotel room card then shower and have fun and joke with friends and we sleep.
On the morning we wake up to pack to go back on the way back to Bandung.
Arriving at the Museum of Geology of Bandung we look around the historic goods and we listen to the history conveyed by a tour guide.
And we go back to Trans Studio Bandung, after we queue to enter, then we checked the bag because it can not bring food, we went to try various kinds of rides there, At 15.00 Wib we left Trans Studio Bandung and lunch on Bus, after that we continue the journey to Cibaduyut, when we get there we shop all kinds of goods and food typical of Bandung, finish our shopping go into bus to continue returning to Sumowono.

2.                  ARIF KURNIAWAN
            On Tuesday, January 16, 2018, I prepared various purposes for the study tour, and I left home at 12.30 WIB to Candigaron at 14:15 WIB when we arrived at school we gathered to get a briefing about travel and tourism in Jakarta-Bandung. And the time that I expect to arrive, we get into the bus to start the journey of Jakarta - Bandung. In my travels with friends I am delighted that we will get experience and knowledge outside school, we spend time during the bus by telling stories while eating lunch we bring from home. in the course of our singing and joking to reduce the saturation during the trip and I finally fell asleep. And did not feel we had arrived at Istiqlal Mosque and we also immediately clean the body with a bath and take ablution to perform the morning prayers in congregation and continued breakfast.
            And we continue our journey to MONAS (National Monument) which makes the icon of Jakarta city, and I am really happy to see firsthand the historic building, then we continue our trip to Science and Technology Museum to look at IPTEK props. there we are only given 2 hours. And we are assisted by a guide to explain about the history of science and technology. and we tried a variety of science and technology props. Next we returned to the bus to continue the journey back to Bandung, Jakarta Bandung journey taken approximately 5 hours.
            And when we arrived in Bandung we stayed at Hotel Serena. And we also clean the body with a shower and rest. The next morning we had breakfast before we continued our journey, then we made our way to Museum Geologi, and we looked around the museum collections of meteor crystals, ancient humans and others. after finished we continue the journey to Trans Studio Bandung, when we get there we try a variety of fun vehicle rides also see a magic show. After that we continue the journey to Cibaduyut. and on the way I fell asleep because tired walking around Cibaduyut traditional market shopping souvenirs and buy all kinds of handicrafts for the memories of parents at home and typical Bandung food to take home. Finished shopping kamipun back into the bus to return to continue the journey home to Candigaron and have been awaited by parents to go home.

3.                  DEVI LOVITA YANTI
            On Tuesday, January 16, 2018, I left home at 13.00 WIB. arrived at Candigaron at 13:15 pm when we arrived at school we gathered to get a briefing about travel and tourism in Jakarta-Bandung. And at 15.00 pm,  we get into each bus to start the trip Jakarta - Bandung. On the way I feel very happy because this is my first experience to go out of town, let alone this trip with my friends. During the journey we sing and joke to reduce saturation during the journey. And did not feel we had arrived at Istiqlal Mosque at 04.00 WIB and we also immediately clean the body with a shower and immediately perform the morning prayers in congregation and continued to eat breakfast.
            And we continue our journey to MONAS (National Monument) which makes the icon of Jakarta city, and I am really happy to see firsthand the historic building, then we continue our trip to Science and Technology Museum to look at IPTEK props. there we are only given 2 hours. And we are assisted by a guide to explain about the history of science and technology. and we tried a variety of science and technology props. Next we returned to the bus to continue the journey back to Bandung, Jakarta Bandung journey taken approximately 5 hours.
After that we continue our journey to MONAS (National Museum) when we get there we look from the height inside the building. After that we continued the journey back to the Monument Pancasila Sakti, we also see the wells of death, and clothes blood-blooded heroes of the revolution at that time. After that we continue the trip back to TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah) where we play and learn a lot with various kinds of science and technology props. finished already our tour in Jakarta and we continue the trip back to Bandung. And when we arrived in Bandung we stayed at Hotel Serena.
After cleaning and bathing we slept, the next day we visited to the Museum of Geology, there we saw the relics of ancient times. After that we continue the journey back to Trans Studio Bandung to play and have fun trying various kinds of rides that exist there. After that we went back to Cibaduyut for shopping souvenirs and various kinds of original craft of Bandung. after that we went back to Sumowono, we arrived at Candigaron at 06.00 pm, we went home until safely.

4.                  HANAFI
                On Tuesday January 16, 2018, the date I departed from home to Candigaron at 13.30 pm, when I got there at 13:45 pm after arriving at candigaron I was told to go to school first to be given counseling as a study tour. after completion of counseling we went to the bus for a trip to Jakarta. Did not feel we arrived in Jakarta, we headed to Istiqlal Mosque to bathe and pray at dawn, after finished our breakfast prayer, after we finished breakfast we went to MONAS. There we are given an explanation about the history of the National Monument, we are also invited to go around up to the top, and we see the view of the city of Jakarta from a very beautiful height, after that we go to the museum pancasila magic there is a crocodile hole monument and there is a statue of seven generals who put into crocodile hole, after that we took pictures together dipatung seven generals after that we went to the center of science and technology demonstration there there is a variety of visuals, there are demonstrations about outer agkasa, and a lot. After that we went to the bus for a trip to Serena hotel in Bandung for a rest. After morning we also have breakfast first before going to geology museum After that we also went to the museum of geology, when we get given an explanation of history and we also see museum collections from the bones of ancient animals and ancient human head skeleton and there is a video explaining the origin of the solar system and the origin of the formation of the sun and there there are also rocks in ancient times, and there are various rocks of crystals from all over the world there are various kinds. After that we went to Trans Studio Bandung, we also queue first to ride a long elevator, when we get on top we also give the ticket to get into, after we got inside there are many types of games rides.
            Me and my friends ride the race car, one car climbed by two people and the track is quite difficult, there the car that climbed me stopped peddling high enough, after that our car successfully completed, we also invited to go to other world rides there we board the train that fit for four people, after the road train looks very dark and very frightening there are various kinds of ghost artificial there, after finished we go to the underwater world, there are many types of fish, there are piranha fish, starfish, and shark, we also allowed to touch the shark after that we went to other fish. After looking at the fish, we were also invited to go to see the magic there we saw a spectacular magic and magic fun but tense, and after we finished out, when we get outside we rest, after that we are invited again to the rides super hero four dimension there I have to queue first and long enough, after entering we were given glasses first, then sat watching super hero video, which we rsakan chair like swaying. after the video finished we went down and out after that we went out for lunch, finished lunch and continued the journey to Cibaduyut, we went to GRUTY for shopping, there are many kinds of shoes, clothes, dolls and many more. after we bought the gifts we went to the bus to continue the journey home, amid the trip we stopped to buy souvenirs typical food first, after we finished back into the bus to continue the return journey home. did not feel because of tired we fell asleep and have arrived at the market Sumowono and me with friends stopped in Sumowono to wait for the pick up afterwards to home with healthy wal afiat.
5.                  ALFIATUN
            Doing study tour to Jakarta and Bandung, we gathered in school first before we do the tour. and at our school gathered for guidance during our journey and when we were in the places we were going to visit, about what we could and should not do, and what preparations we should prepare. And I have been given lots of food to accompany the trip during the bus, and we started our journey to Jakarta Bandung into the bus is very comfortable, and in the bus has been provided facilities such as ac, music, and video to sing karaoke. And we arrived at the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta in the morning, we then cleaned up because of sweat and then changed clothes and performed the morning prayers in congregation, and I am very proud to be able to pray in the mosque that became the largest mosque in southeast asia. and hoped that one day he would return to prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque. and kamipun also continue the tour and our next destination is to the National Monument (MONAS) which is a national tourism destination that everyone in Indonesia wishes to take pictures and visit to MONAS, and when in MONAS we are guided by tour guide to explain the history of the establishment National Monument and all the rooms and parts of MONAS. and after completion at MONAS we also continue to study tour to TMII and Science and Technology. and we are very proud to know these historical places, and we also try the tools of science technology in the museum of science and technology.    
            After which we resumed our journey after we had eaten in the restaurant. when we arrived at the Museum of Pancasila sakti or Lubang Buaya Museum we were guided by the museum tour guide, as explained we saw the old dead well located in the village of Lubang Buaya, and the massacre house, saw the relief of 9 army generals killed by the PKI, there are 7 heroes of the revolution . After that we left the museum Pancasila magic to the bus and continue the trip back to TMII and Science and Technology. as usual on our buses, we talked about the things we had just seen and also exchanged snacks that we had to strengthen our friendship. After arriving at TMII and Science and Technology, we saw scientific props. And after we finished our journey to see and know the history of Science & Technology Museum we went to dinner while accompanied by music. And continue the trip to Hotel Serena for a break. Arriving at the hotel we took the hotel room card then shower and have fun and joke with friends and we sleep. the next day we are fit and ready to go back to continue our journey, we packed and boarded the bus to continue to Bandung Geological Museum, Arriving at Bandung Geological Museum we look around the historic goods and we listen to the history delivered by a tour guide . And we go back to Trans Studio Bandung, after we queue to enter, then we checked the bag because it can not bring food, we went to try various kinds of rides there, At 15.00 Wib we left Trans Studio Bandung and lunch on Bus, after that we continue the journey to Cibaduyut, when we get there we shop and buy a lot of food typical of Bandung for souvenir family at home, finish our shopping get into bus to go home, and we also get to Candigaron.

            Istiqlal Mosque is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. This mosque is the pride of the nation of Indonesia, as an expression and a form of gratitude of the nation and people of Indonesia who are predominantly Muslim, for the blessings and graces of Allah SWT who has bestowed the favor of independence from the colonial grip for approximately 350 years.
            That's why this mosque is called ISTIQLAL means MERDEKA. Monumental buildings in Indonesia before the colonial period is quite amazing. For example, Borobudur and Prambanan temples became the symbol of the power of royal heritage construction.
            The Dwikarya got international recognition. Unfortunately, despite gaining international recognition, but at the same time ending the work of design in Indonesia during three and a half century more colonial period.
            Construction work that had clogged, re-open in the early days of independence. As a Muslim-majority country, one of the most spectacular ideas of the time was to set up a mosque.

            Menomen is located right in the City Center of Jakarta. Monas Monument is a monument to the pride of the Indonesian nation, besides monas is also one of the center of tourist attractions and educational centers of interest to citizens of Indonesia both dijakarta and outside Jakarta. The purpose of monument monument development is to commemorate and perpetuate the greatness of the struggle of the Indonesian Nation known as the 17 August 1945 Revolution, and also as a vehicle to evoke the spirit of patriotism of present and future generations.
            Monas was built in August 1959. The entire Monas building was designed by Indonesian architects Soedarsono, Frederich Silaban and Ir. Rooseno. On August 17, 1961, Monas was inaugurated by President Soekarno. It was opened to the public on July 12, 1975.
            Monas Monument has its own characteristics, because the architecture and dimensions symbolizes the kias of Indonesian specificity. The most prominent form is the towering monument and the wide flat plate. On top of the monument there is a fire burning as if it did not go off, symbolizing the exemplary spirit of the Indonesian nation that never subsided to struggle all the time.
            The form and layout of a very interesting Monas allows visitors to enjoy the beautiful scenery and cool is charming, a garden where there are trees from various provinces in Indonesia. The fountain pool right in the entrance hallway makes the park cooler, plus the charm of the swaying fountain.
            Near the entrance to the courtyard of Monas also looks magnificent statue stands Prince Diponegoro who was riding a horse. The 8-ton bronze statue was done by Italian sculptor Prof Coberlato as a donation by Consulate General Honores, Dr Mario in Indonesia.
            The Pancasila Sakti Monument was built on the idea of ​​the second President of Indonesia, Soeharto. Built on an area of ​​14.6 hectares. This monument was built with the aim of remembering the struggle of the Heroes of the Revolution who fought to defend the ideology of the state of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila from the threat of communist ideology.
The six heroes of the revolution are:
1. Army Commander Lt. Gen. Ahmad Yani,
2. Major General TNI R. Suprapto
3. Major General TNI M.T. Haryono
4. Maj. Gen. Siswondo Parman
5. Brigadier TNI DI Panjaitan
6. Brig. Gen. Sutoyo Siswomiharjo
7. TNI officer Lettu Pierre Tendean Ajudan AH.Nasution
            General TNI A.H. Nasution was also named as one of the targets but he survived the assassination attempt. Instead, his daughter Ade Irma Suryani Nasution and AH Nasution's aide, Lettu Pierre Tendean were killed in the assassination attempt.
            The monument located in Lubang Buaya, Cipayung, East Jakarta, contains a variety of things from the G30S - PKI rebellion, like the original clothes of the Revolutionary Heroes.

2.4       TMII
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) is a theme park of Indonesian culture theme park in East Jakarta. Area of ​​approximately 150 hectares or 1.5 square kilometers is located at coordinates 6 ° 18'6.8 "LS, 106 ° 53'47.2" BT. This park is a summary of Indonesian culture, covering various aspects of daily life of the 26 provinces of Indonesia (in 1975) displayed in the traditional architectural platform, and displaying various fashion, dance, and regional traditions. In addition, in the middle of TMII there is a lake depicting the miniature Indonesian archipelago in its center, cable car, museums, and Keong Mas IMAX Theater and Theater of Tanah Airku), various recreation facilities make TMIII as one of the leading tourist area in capital city.
The idea of ​​building a miniature that contains the completeness of Indonesia with all its contents is triggered by the First Lady, Siti Hartinah, better known as Mrs. Tien Soeharto. This idea was sparked at a meeting at Jalan Cendana no. 8 Jakarta on March 13, 1970. Through this miniature is expected to evoke a sense of pride and a sense of love the homeland of the entire nation of Indonesia. So began a project called Project Miniatur Indonesia "Indonesia Indah", which was implemented by Yayasan Harapan Kita.
TMII was built in 1972 and inaugurated on April 20, 1975. Various aspects of Indonesia's natural wealth and culture to the utilization of modern technology are exhibited in an area of ​​150 hectares. Originally TMII topography is somewhat hilly, but this suits the designer's wishes. The design team made use of these uneven heights to create rich landscapes and landscapes, illustrating different types of environment in Indonesia.

            The idea of ​​establishing science center in Indonesia was initiated by Minister of Research and Technology at that time, Prof. Dr. B.J. Habibie, in 1984. Established Working Committee by Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology No.15 / M / Kp / IX / 1984 to conduct comparative studies, reviewing basic conception of development, demonstration theme, management system, and architectural form. In 1987 Supporting Committee was formed to socialize science center to the public through the organization of physics and mathematics exhibition in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Management Building, which was opened by the Minister of Education and Culture Prof. Dr. Fuad Hasan.
            The socialization efforts continued in 1988-1990 with the demonstration of 20 interactive visual aids tools at TMII Children's Palace Pavilion, as a result of cooperation with Faculty of Mathematics & Science Education, IKIP Jakarta. The purpose of this venture is to recognize and study public interest. The impressions obtained from visitors are very positive and teens can get to know science and technology more easily and real. Demonstration is also used as a medium of teaching science and technology field by some IKIP Jakarta students who act as a guide.
            The initial concept of planning the Center for Demonstration of Science and Technology (PP-IPTEK) was later assisted by the US Agency for International Development and the Asia Foundation. In accordance with the initial concept, the Master Plan PP-IPTEK was developed by Ministry of Research and Technology Team, PT Tripanoto Sri Konsultan, Team from Musee de La Villete and Sopha Development from France.
            On April 20, 1991, PP-IPTEK was inaugurated by President Soeharto in the temporary building of Terminal B Skylift-TMII, 2 floors of 1,000 m2. A number of props have been made by experts from Puslitbang KIM-LIPI, LUK BPPT, BATAN, also donations from strategic industries and IBM.
            PP-IPTEK finally occupied the permanent building on November 10, 1995, located in the main axis of the TMII complex facing the Peace Plaza of the Non-Aligned Summit Monument. With the philosophy of concept as the fire of science and technology spirit which is the starting point of future development, the concept of futuristic building design, unlimited exploration, Consultant Planner PT. Tripanoto Sri has designed a building area of ​​24,000 m2 over an area of ​​42,300 m2. Since then it has been available a means of learning science and technology that gives visitors the opportunity to see and learn the secrets and natural phenomena exhibited, learn by using the senses of listener, smell, and touch through manipulation, operation and experiment. Through demonstrations and programs, visitors are given the opportunity to explore the phenomenon and repertoire of science and technology independently, family and group, in order to inspire and enhance the creativity and innovation.

            The existence of the Museum of Geology is closely related to the history of geological investigation in Indonesia that has been started since the 1850s. At that time, the agency that coordinated the investigation of geology was "Dienst van het Mijnwezen". Museum Geology for the first time was inaugurated at the opening of the building "Dienst van den Mijnbouw" on May 16, 1929. This inauguration coincided with the opening of the fourth Pacific Science Congress held at the Institute of Technology Bandung. This building serves as an office equipped with geological laboratory facilities and museums to store and demonstrate the results of geological surveys.
            Geology Museum Building (1929) in Rembrandt Straat (now Jl Diponegoro, Bandung).
            In line with the dynamics of history, Institutional Museum Geology is constantly changing. In the days of Dutch rule (1929-1941), the Museum of Geology was called the Geologisch Laboratory and was the work unit of "Dienst van het Mijnwezen" renamed "Dienst van den Mijnbouw".
            Later in the days of Japanese occupation (1942-1945). "Dienst van den Mijnbouw" was renamed "Kogyoo Zimusho" which later renamed "Tisitutyosazyo" where the Geology Museum as part of the Paleontology and Chemistry Laboratory.
Geology (1963-1978), Center for Geological Research and Development (1978-2002). In 2003 the Museum of Geology became the Technical Implementation Unit of the Geological Museum (UPT MG), below
Participants of the 4th Pacific Science Conference
            Geological Survey Center, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. In 2013, pursuant to ESDM Regulation no. 12 of 2013, the Museum of Geology became the Technical Implementation Unit of the Geological Museum (UPT MG), under the Geological Agency, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Paleontology and Chemistry.
            After Indonesia gained its independence in 1945, the management of the Geological Museum was under the Mine and Geology Mining Center (PDTG, 1945-1950) the institution was renamed the Mining Match of the Republic of Indonesia (1950-1952), renamed Djawatan Geologi (1952-1956) , Djawatan Geologi Center (1956-1957), Djawatan Geologi (1957-1963), Directorate of Geology (1963-1978), Center for Geological Research and Development (1978-2002). In 2003 the Museum of Geology became the Technical Implementation Unit of the Geological Museum (UPT MG), under the Geological Survey Center, Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. In 2013, pursuant to ESDM Regulation no. 12 of 2013, the Museum of Geology became the Technical Implementation Unit of the Geological Museum (UPT MG), under the Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

2.7       Trans Studio Bandung
History Trans Studio Bandung which is one of several integrated tourist areas in Indonesia, as the name implies, owned by the company Trans Corporation. The location of the tour stands in the area of ​​Bandung Supermal (BSM) and is the second tourist area built by Trans Corporation after previously successfully established Trans Studio Resort Makassar which opened to the public in 2008. Claims from the Trans is that Trans Studio Bandung has the rides which offers a variety of adventure experiences that are not less exciting and thrilling when compared with the existing rides in Trans Studio predecessor in Makassar. The area used by Trans Studio Bandung tourist area has an area of ​​4.2 hectares, where the investment in it reaches a fantastic figure of 2 trillion Rupiah and make it the most extensive and complete entertainment area in Bandung area.
History of Trans Studio Bandung and Integrated Tourism Area in it
History of Trans Studio Bandung will never exist if previously Trans Studio Resort Makassar not become a successful rides. Initially, Trans Studio Resort Makassar was inspired by similar rides abroad such as Universal Studios, Disney Resort, and Warner Bros.'s Movie World. What distinguishes Trans Studio with the rides that have been called just now is Trans Studio is a tourist rides that are in the room. After going through various research and designing process, the historical predecessor of Trans Studio Bandung was just inaugurated to the public on September 2, 2009 after starting to be planned about two years earlier. Initially, the Trans Studio Resort Makassar project is in addition to competing with similar rides is to make all eyes in Indonesia can divert their view of the island of Java for a while and admire the beauty-beauty that can be served by Eastern Indonesia.
Seeing the success of Makassar Trans Studio Resort is what fires the dream of Chairul Tanjung who at that time served as a commissioner of the Trans Corporation to write Trans Studio Bandung history to ensure that children and families of Indonesia to get a place where they can have fun and remove the fatigue from their daily routine. Bandung was then chosen as the second place that is suitable to host the Trans Studio integrated tourism area. Although it can not be confirmed, there are some reports that Bandung was chosen because of its strategic location. When established, the Trans Corporation has set target visitors, where they take into account that visitors are not only domestic tourists, but also outsiders. The target set makes Trans Studio Bandung a new stand should be able to compete against some formidable opponents such as Genting Highlands and Resort World Sentosa which is already famous in the international world.
The history of Trans Studio Bandung also will not be separated from Bandung Supermal (BSM) which has now been "annexed" as a whole and changed its name to Trans Studio Mall (TSM), as well as some other places such as Trans Luxury Hotel - a 6 star hotel - and Ibis Hotel Bandung in the field of hospitality and Mega Tower which is the head office of Bank Mega in Bandung in the field of banking. The area within the Trans Studio Bandung area also seems to have existed from the beginning of the history of Trans Studio Bandung has been divided into three parts with his wareya follow the theme, namely:
         Studio Central, which is a combination of:
         Yamaha Racing Coaster
         The World of Children
         Super Heroes 4D The Rides
         Science Center
         Dunlop Trans Car Racing
         Indosat Galaxy Vertigo
         Giant Swing, and
         Theater Trans City
         Magic Corner,
The section that has a magical theme as its name and consists of:
         The Land of the Giant
         Special Effect Action Show
         Balck Heart's Pirate Ship
         Another World
         Dragon Raiders
Lost City, a section with adventurous themes whose woes are:
         Kong Climb
One of the most important parts in the history of Trans Studio Bandung is when the Trans Studio Bandung Tourism Area was inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. A series of events that helped welcome the birth of Trans Studio Bandung with a variety of arts and performances typical of Indonesia. The first show to play was a colossal drama performance entitled Legend of the Crown Prince, a colossal drama that was able to compete in the international arena through the actions of the players and the sudden circus action that made the hearts of the audience amazed. The show that took 1 week long was originally intended to welcome the President of Indonesia at that time.
Upon completion with the first show, the event continued with a show aimed at showing off the ability of Trans Corporation to create special effects in action films. The second appearance is considered quite great with the stuntman that the ability is above average and is a professional. The third show was a parade and a laser show, a show that was just a modification of the parades we used to see. This parade begins at 2 pm a few minutes and is devoted to RI-1 as a token of gratitude for having come to the event. Parade shows that can be watched by the public just started at 5 pm which also indicates the end of history of Trans Studio Bandung.
            Cibaduyut Bandung is located in the south of Bandung. about 30 minutes from downtown. The area was originally famous for its central leather shoes.
To go to Cibaduyut is not difficult. Marked with a large statue of a shoe in front of the intersection before entering the road Cibaduyut Bandung. With the Statue of Shoes, facilitate for the visitors to get to Cibaduyut bandung, because the shoe statue is a symbol or characteristic of the road Cibaduyut and the only shoe statue in the city of Bandung. Cibaduyut shoe pocket is access to the entrance of the road Cibaduyut Bandung.
Along Jalan Cibaduyut Bandung stands many shops that sell and accept orders shoes. All shoe sizes can be made here. This area is famous for the price they offer is quite cheap, and the quality is pretty good.
            We can see the shops are lined display merchandise dominated by bags and shoes. If we get into it, we can find more. There are clothes including leather jackets, leather bags, sling bags, wallets, belts, dolls, sandals, leather to make shoes or sandals and others.
Privileges of cibaduyut is for those of you who want to buy shoes with the model you want you can make a reservation. The price also varies, ranging from several tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The price can be bargained. With good quality too. Because the quality is guaranteed, the product from cibaduyut is very famous to Asia. In addition to shoes, wallets and handbags are also here on sale typical Bandung food as souvenirs of Bandung. If you come to cibaduyut Bandung, you are not only shopping shoes or food, but the wallet here can be made by Bandung, because the price, shape and good quality.
            Not far from the road cibaduyut bandung there is a long leuwih bus terminal, which can facilitate the visitors who use transportation equipment to visit cibaduyut Bandung. For those of you who use private vehicles from outside Bandung you can get out of Kopo Toll or Moch toll. Toha, because these Tolls are accessed from very close toll roads. Various souvenirs of Bandung city can be found here, such as penyeum, dodol, opak, and others. If Cibaduyut famous for central shoes and bags there are other areas that are also famous for Jeans products, namely Cihampelas Bandung. Do not forget if you are on vacation to Bandung, visit to Cibaduyut Bandung and Cihampelas Bandung. Then you will find another sensation of the city of Bandung

3.1       CONCLUSION
            In this tourism activity, we can take many benefits that we can need, for example can add insight, learning we need, add experience and get a lot of knowledge in this activity we can get inspiration, da can enjoy the beautiful scenery and pleasant atmosphere. Authors can enjoy the beauty of Istiqlal Mosque, MONAS, IPTEK, TMII, Museum Lubang Buaya, Museum of Geology, Trans Studio Bandung, and Cibaduyut. From the historic places is also one of the means of education outside the school that there is a combination of knowledge with entertainment elements.

3.2       SUGGESTION
There are some suggestions that
1)      As a good visitor we should not damage objects that are in place or tourist location.
2)      Do not doodle objects that are around the sights
3)      Dispose of garbage in place and Maintain order and decency
4)      If we want to enter the tour of Jakarta and Bandung should be grouped njangan split with the entourage
5)      If we enter Trans Studio Bandung we have to queue up, after queuing we can play rides in Trans Studio Bandung.
6)    Should be in Trans Studio Bandung, we bring a lot of pocket money because there can not bring food so with a lot of money we can shop that we want


Sumber: Direktori masjid Bersejarah






